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Monday, May 5, 2008

Photonic Technology


Due to the remarkable progress of technological innovations in the telecommunication industry, photonic technologies for telecommunication networks are gaining more and more significance. Photonic Technology Program is working on the research and development of optical communications, networking, photonic, optical subsystem design and device technology that supports such next generation innovations since 2000. The operation of Photonic Technology Program based on Basic Research Department which the main goals are to drive and generate product and development for next generation optical communications. The clusters are Photonic Network, Photonic Transmission and Photonic Devices. Photonic Technology laboratories have developed the leading-edge optical system by combining three core technologies: namely photonic network technology, photonic transmission and photonic device technology. The achievement of R&D contributes to the advancement and economization of the network of TM. Our R&D results are also supplied to the society globally through technology transfers and commercialization in TM group companies.

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